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1000 Gems Halloween video contest!

Posted by OURWORLD CHEATS | 3:25 PM | 0 comments »

Hi hi! Zoe here again with an awesome chance to win a ton of Gems!

Since we got such a great response from you guys last time, we decided

a second YouTube Video contest was in order!

The Theme: ourWorld Halloween

This can be any story you can think of! No limit! Be creative! Dress yourself up and tell us a spooky story featuring your decked out Condo, a creepy adventure, a dramatic tale of woe, or anything else you can think of! Get your friends to help if you want (but make sure they practice their lines)!

How to Enter:

1. Make your video! Be creative! Your time limit is 3 minutes. No videos longer than 3 minutes, please.

2. Upload your ourWorld Story video to YouTube.

If you need help on how to do this, check out this link: YouTube Help

3. Once your video is uploaded to YouTube, send the link to us by using the ‘Share’ button and addressing it to:

Don’t forget to include your ourWorld name in the ‘Message’ box when you send us your video link! We can’t give you any prizes if you don’t include your ourWorld name!

4. That’s it! Now wait for the results!


October 31st at Midnight P.S.T.


1st Place - 1000 Gems

2nd Place - 250 Gems

3rd Place - 100 Gems

Entries will be judged by the ourWorld staff based on the use of ourWorld in the video, story elements, and overall presentation. The winners will be announced and prizes awarded in November!

All valid entries will receive a special Gem award!


•This contest is open to all ourWorld players.

•Videos should not be longer than 3 minutes in length.

•No more than one entry per member.

•Content should come primarily from ourWorld. Feel free to add additional sounds, dialog, effects, or text to best tell your story.

•Content should be all-ages appropriate. Keep the video G-rated.

•Entries that do not meet the rules and requirements will be disqualified.
oOAshwinOo, Police911 and ackman